Saturday, March 24, 2012

YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows)

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning, diagnostic tools, and more. Contrary to MultiBootISO's which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary.

Aside from a few distributions, all files are stored within the Multiboot folder, making for a nicely organized Multiboot Drive that can still be used for other storage purposes.

Creating a YUMI Multiboot MultiSystem Bootable USB Flash Drive
YUMI works much like Universal USB Installer, except it can be used to install more than one distribution to run from your USB. Distributions can also be uninstalled using the same tool!

YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator

YUMI's Main Multiboot Boot Menu

YUMI- – March 21, 2012 – Changelog

Updated Acronis Antimalware CD menu entry


How to Create a MultiBoot USB Flash Drive

1. Run* YUMI- following the onscreen instructions
2. Run the tool again to Add More ISOs/Distributions to your Drive
3. Restart your PC setting it to boot from the USB device
4. Select a distribution to Boot from the Menu and enjoy!

That's all there is to it. You should now be booting your favorite distributions from your custom Multi-Boot USB device!

How It Works: YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) enables each user to create their own custom Multiboot UFD containing only the distributions they want, in the order by which they are installed. A new distribution can be added to the UFD each time the tool is run.

If you run YUMI from the same location you store ISO downloads, they should be auto-detected (*See Known Issues Below), eliminating the need to browse for each ISO.

Other Notes: If MultibootISOs was previously used, you must reformat the drive and start over. YUMI uses Syslinux directly, and chainloads to grub only if necessary, so it is not compatible with the older Multiboot ISO tool. Although I do plan to add back the capabilities of MultibootISOs as time permits.

The distro uninstaller works great, but unlisted ISO's that have been added must currently be manually removed!

Basic Essentials to create a MultiSystem Bootable USB Drive

* Fat32 or NTFS Formatted USB Flash or USB Hard Drive
* PC that can boot from USB
* Windows XP/Vista/7 host to create the Bootable USB
* Your selection of ISO Files

YUMI can create a Bootable UFD containing the following

* BackBox Linux (Security and Forensics Tools)
* HP SmartStart, HP Firmware Maintenance, and HP Automatic Firmware Update Tools
* F-Secure Rescue CD
* Fuduntu
* Slacko Puppy 5.3
* Ultimate Edition 3
* Mandriva 2011
* Zorin OS
* Bodhi
* CAELinux (Computer Aided Engineering)
* CentOS
* Rescatux
* DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux)
* SalineOS
* Porteus
* Sn0wL1nuX
* Pinguy OS
* Fedora 15/16
* G DATA Antivirus
* OpenSUSE 11/12
* KON-BOOT (Login as admin without using a password)
* Acronis Rescue CD
* Try an Unlisted ISO (uses GRUB)
* Backtrack 5 & 5 R1
* Ultimate Boot CD
* Panda Antivirus
* PCLinuxOS
* Sugar on a Stick
* Debian Live Gnome/KDE/LXDE/XFCE
* Trinity Rescue Kit
* System Rescue CD
* Puppy Linux
* TinyCore
* EasyPeasy
* SLAX 6.1.2
* Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10
* Peppemint Linux OS
* Linux Mint 10/11/12
* Ubuntu 12.04/11.10/11.04/10.10/10.04
* Xubuntu 11.10/11.04/10.10/10.04
* Kubuntu 11.10/11.04/10.10/10.04
* Lubuntu 11.10/11.04/10.10
* Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix
* Damn Small Linux
* SliTaz Linux 3.0
* Ophcrack XP
* YlmF OS
* xPUD (Simple Netbook Distro)
* FreeDOS
* Partition Wizard 5
* Memtest86+ (Memory Diagnostics)
* RIP Linux (Recovery Is Possible)
* Redo Backup and Recovery 0.9.5
* Parted Magic
* Offline NT Password + Reg Editor
* GParted
* Clonezilla Maverick
* AVG Rescue CD (Antivirus Scanner)
* Avira Antivir Rescue CD (Antivirus Scanner)
* BitDefender Rescue CD (Antivirus Scanner)
* Jolicloud | Download
* EASEUS Disk Copy | Download
* Hiren's Boot CD
* Edubuntu
* HDT (Hardware Detection Tool)
* Windows Vista or 7 Install Disk (NOT Win XP) | Create ISO from your DVD

Known Issues:

Windows Vista/7 Installer, Hiren's Boot CD, Trinity Rescue Kit, OpenSUSE, Backtrack, Avira Antivir, and Dr.Web Live CD files are stored outside of the multiboot folder. Other distribution files remain contained within the multiboot folder. I am open to a simple working solution!

Windows XP Installer ISO will not work, as to the best of my knowledge this would require editing core proprietary files. I am open to a legal working solution.

When using the "Try an Unlisted ISO option", the ISO file name must contain no spaces.

* When installing Windows 7 or Vista from USB, you must unplug the USB device before the first restart, otherwise you will receive an error stating:

"windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computer's hardware"

Known Bugs:

FIXED: User is forced to Browse for the ISO they wish to use on wildcarded entries where more than one match might exist. A bug exists in YUMI's ISO auto detection feature. If the file the tool is looking for is * wildcarded (can be many different versions), and you have more than one version of that ISO in the same directory, the tool will proceed to install them all on the USB Drive. The workaround is to ensure that only one version of the ISO exists in the directory, or run YUMI from outside of your ISO directory and manually browse to the ISO you want to use.

Troubleshooting Boot Errors:

While trying to run an ISO from USB, If you get a Boot error saying:

Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area

You'll need to defragment your ISO using one of the following tools:

contig – Command line tool to defragment ISO files.

wincontig – GUI tool to defragment ISO files.

Additional Notes:
Edit non-booting menu entries for the ISO's you have added via the "Try and Unlisted ISO" option, by editing the corresponding entry in \multiboot\menu\menu.lst

If you don't have a floppy drive and get fd0 errors while booting, simply add floppy.allowed_drive_mask=0 to the append line for the troubled entry. Although the best fix is to simply disable floppy in BIOS.

Saving Changes: Persistence can be added to Ubuntu based distributions by using the PDL Casper-RW creator to first create the file on your USB. Then, simply add the word persistent to the append line of corresponding .cfg file found in the /multiboot/menu directory. Only one distribution can use persistence.

To load Ophcrack tables when booted in this fashion, the tables folder needs to exist at the root directory of the USB device. Example E:\tables\vista_free. Download Tables from the Official Ophcrack site and unzip to your USB. You can have both xp and vista tables working together.
Potentially Related Portable Linux Posts

* SARDU – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows)
* XBOOT – Multiboot ISO USB Creator (Windows)
* MultiSystem – Create a MultiBoot USB from Linux

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Telkomsel Flash Unlimited vs Indosat M2 Broom vs XL Megadata vs Axis

23 Jun, 2008  Uncategorized

Setelah malang melintang mencoba internet dari beberapa provider GSM, sekarang mau kasih sedikit review.

Telkomsel Flash Unlimited

Produk baru dari Telkomsel, produk ini merupakan bagian dari masa promosi memperingati 13 tahun Telkomsel. Paket yang tersedia adalah:

Jenis Paket

Harga (Rp)

Kecepatan Max



256 kbps



512 kbps



3,6 Mbps

Tetapi ada ketentuan dalam unlimited ini, bila telah melewati 3 Gb maka kecepatan akses akan turun menjadi 64 kbps untuk paket Basic dan Advance, dan 128 kbps untuk paket Pro.

Gua sendiri udah nyoba yang pake Basic plus modem (plus modem masing-masing tambah Rp 125.000,00). Awal-awal pakai speed maksimal gampang banget dicapai, tapi akhir-akhir ini udah mulai lampat dan nggak stabil. Koneksi sih nggak pernah putus, sayangnya kalo buat download bakal sangat lambat. 3 Gb jumlah yang banyak untuk paket basic sekalipun. Jika daerah Anda belum memiliki jaringan 3G, lebih baik mengambil paket ini.


IndosatM2 Broom

Paket dari Indosat ini merupakan jenis prabayar, jadi kita harus membeli perdana dan mengisi voucher terlebih dahulu sebelum bisa ber-internet ria.

Voucher yang tersedia adalah:

Besar Voucher

Jumlah yang didapat

Masa Aktif (hari)


250 Mb



166 Mb



83 Mb



41 Mb



16 Mb


*hanya dapat dibeli dengan kartu indosat (matrix, mentari, im3)

Note: semuanya memiliki masa tenggang yang sama yaitu 30 hari

Dalam hal kecepatan dan kestabilan, IndosatM2 ini adalah yang terbaik dari yang pernah saya coba. Sayangnya karena kuota yang sangat terbatas jadi cepat habis. Tapi kalau hanya untuk cek email, browsing ringan, chatting, paket dari IndosatM2 ini dapat diperhitungkan. Bila Anda memiliki kartu kredit, Anda dapat mengambil dari pascabayarnya Paket yang paling rendahpun dengan harga Rp 160.000 (belum termasuk ppn) mendapat 700 Mb.


XL Megadata dan Gigadata

Paket yang disediakan oleh XL adalah:

Kuota Paket

Harga (Rp)

250 Mb


1 Gb


3 Gb


Note: harga belum termasuk ppn, kelebhian kuota dikenakan biaya Rp 0.4/Kb (Rp 4 per 10Kb dengan pembulatan keatas per 10Kb).

Awal-awal menggunakan XL adalah Januari 2007 dengan paket kuota 250 Mb. Kecepatan koneksi yang didapat pada waktu itu sangat baik, kelebihan kuota juga sedikit sekali (maksimal Rp 20.000). Tetapi beberapa bulan terakhir koneksinya sangat lambat, bahkan dalam jaringan 3G. Dalam jaringan GPRS lebih parah lagi, untuk coba koneksi saja harus dial berkali-kali. Akibatnya kuota 250 Mb tidak pernah habis dalam sebulan.



Pada awal kemunculannya, AXIS memberikan gratis koneksi data sebesar 100 Mb perbulan. Bila telah lebih dari 100 Mb maka tidak dapat dilakukan koneksi lagi. Selanjutnya dengan diubah, setelah 100 Mb dikenakan biaya Rp 1/kb. Setelah promo berakhir pada bulan Mei, AXIS memberikan promo baru yang berlaku sampai bulan Agustus. Promonya adalah akses intenet dengan biaya Rp 0,1/kb untuk 10 Mb pertama dan Rp 1/Kb setelah 10Mb.

Pengalaman menggunakan AXIS di Bandung dan di Depok cukup baik. Sebelum peluncuran (masih dengan nama NTS dan gratisnya 300 Mb) kecepatan penuh 3G (384Kbps) sangat mudah dicapai. Tetapi setelah peluncuran, kecepatan koneksi turun drastis bahkan sulit melakukan koneksi. Memasuki promo baru (Rp 0,1/Kb untuk 10 Mb pertama) kecepatan koneksinya semakin membaik. Mungkin karena dulu orang tanpa pulsa juga masih bisa melakukan koneksi asal jatah 100 Mb masih tersedia, sedangkan sekarang harus memiliki pulsa untuk memiliki melakukan koneksi.


Jadi, mau pilih yang mana? Itu kembali kepada Anda, pertimbangkan jaringan yang ada di daerah yang sering Anda gunakan untuk akses data, keperluan dalam berinternet (browsing ringan, chatting, email atau friendster, facebook, youtube yang haus bandwidth), serta budget yang tersedia setiap bulannya.